(January 1997 Draft)
The purpose of this work is to assemble under one cover what we know, or what we assume we know, about the immigrant Johannes Holsaert, and his immediate family.
This is a draft, and under no circumstances is to be accepted as a finished work. Every effort should be made by those reading these pages to correct, and/or add to their contents.
All comments should be directed to Clan D Family Recorder:
Howard Graham - kingwowie@aol.com
The first record we have of Johannes Holsaert was in Sluys, Holland, on the 4th of April 1666, when he was received by certificate into the Dutch Reformed Church of Sluys. His year of birth is estimated to be about 1640, and because his name has a Flemish ending, it is assumed that he came from the area that is now Belgium. He died in New York City probably in August or September of 1687.
Johannes was married twice. First to Suzanna (her last name is unknown), and then Johanna Havens on 7 January 1672. He had five known children: Johannes, (possibly by Suzanna), Anthony, Margarita Crete, Benjamin, and Gerardus/Gerritt (probably by Johanna). While nothing has surface to indicate that Johannes had more than the five children, his grand children are still not completely identified. There may be others not yet known, and some are listed for one father when he (or she) may belong to another. In short, while we know something of Johannes Holsaert, we still, however, know precious little about his children and grand children.
The Holsaert family, borrowing 300 guilders, immigrated to America in the summer of 1685, sometime between the 24th of April when Johannes received his letter of transfer from his church, and 5 September when he and Johanna baptized their last child, Gerardus, in New York. This was not a spur of the moment decision as Johanna had taken midwife training the year before. Also it is possible that other members of his family may have immigrated earlier (see the chapter on other Holsaerts at the end of this work) and from their letters he decided to follow.
After Johannes death, Johanna Havens married the widower Dirck Stoffel Langestraat (also referred to as Dirck Stoffelson). Dirck had children of his own by his previous marriage, but he and Johanna are not known to have had any children in common.
Of Johannes Holsaert and Johanna Havens four surviving children, three, Johannes, Anthony and Margarita remained in the New York City and Long Island area. The youngest, Benjamin, moved to Freehold, New Jersey. There to raise a large family.
Our knowledge of Johannes comes from the fortuitous fact that when his daughter Margarita died, the deacons of the church took all of the correspondence they found in her home and placed them in the pages of their church records. These remained there for nearly 300 years when they were re-discovered and photographed by Mormon researchers. Stanley Ross, a descendant of Johannes, found the film in the Mormon archives, had them copied, and we are slowly having them translated when we can find someone who can read 17th Century Dutch.
(From notes by Stanley Ross): "The earliest records which tell us of the origin of this family in America are from family papers of the Westervelt and Holsaert families which are preserved in Dutch and English in the records of the Reformed Dutch Church, Flatlands, Kings County, New York. These came to be part of the church records in the following way, to quote a note from Microfilm #888, 716 obtained from Salt Lake City. "DEACONS PAPERS" (Of Reformed Dutch Church., Flatlands), "Abraham and Margarita Westervelt papers, 1680-1732." In return for assurances of lifetime support, Abraham Willemse (Van Westervelt) and wife Margarita Holsaert in January 1729/30 conveyed their real and personal property to the deacons. The deacons then or subsequently came into possession of the following papers of these families.
(1) 1696-1729/30 of the Westervelts, viz, Willem Lubbertse and wife Dirckje Roelofse, and their son Abraham Willemse and wife Margarita Holsaert.
(2) 1680-1732, of Margarita's parents, Johannes Holsaert and Johanna Havens. Another letter belonging to the second lot had been pasted into the volume of early deacons' accounts, a letter of March 15, 1719, to Johanna Langestraat from her son Benjamin Holsaert. Removed from scrapbook." Stanley Ross then went on to itemize each paper. They will be discussed individually in the following paragraphs and will be identified as WP-1, etc. for the Westervelt papers and HP-1, etc. for the Holsaert papers.
Two further comments:
One further comment on last names. In each case we have spelled the surname (and first name) as was found in the documents. Thus you will find Holsaert spelled in about 10 different ways. Johanne's descendants today use about eight different surnames. Look under Hulse, Hulce, Huls, Hults, Hultz, Hulsart, Hulseheart and Van Hulsart.
1. "4 April 1666 admitted to the Dutch Reformed Church of Sluys by certificate." Listed as Johannes Holtsaert. From Mormon microfilm #1,517,360. No record of Johannes' place of birth.
1. "7 January 1672 (bans having been first published in December 1671) Jan Hollsaert, widower of Suzanna So___ married Annaken ____ a young woman from Prussegen." Origin of this information is from same source as 1 above. This would be his wife Johanna Havens. The location of Prussegen has not yet been determined. Nor do we know the last name of his first wife Suzanna. Earlier, when we did not know of a second marriage, we had presumed Johanna to be about the same age as Johannes (born about 1640.) This was because we had assumed that their child Johannes was born about 1658. It had always bothered me because it would have meant that she had died in her 80's and it would have made her about 49 at the time of her second marriage to Dirck Stoffels Langestraat (Longstreet). Eldon Olson has pointed out that her pre-nuptial agreement with Dirck Stoffels seemed to indicate that she might have more children, which would clearly be impossible at the age of 49. It now seems quite possible that she could have been as much as 10 years younger than Johannes which would have made her about 39 at the time of her marriage and in her 70s at her death. It would also imply that Johannes already had one or two children at the time of his marriage to her.
1. (HP-1) A letter in Dutch dated 22 February 1680. At first it was presumed that this was a letter from Johannes to his wife, but after having been partially translated it appears to have been a letter to Johanna Havens from her pastor, or spiritual advisor, directed to her in Sluys in care of her husband. Letters such as this are rare and it is not unusual that she kept it with her when she came to this country. What we have been able to translate so far reads:
"Dear and beloved sister:
I have read your letter with my personal feelings of satisfaction and compassion; and I was touched by your troubled expressions and by what I read about your soul's state; and I wished that I could write you a proper word of solace and give your soul an opportunity to ( ), and to give solace. But remember the words of the Lord Jesus when he said that he would send the comforter of the holy ghost and this one would stay with his members of the faith for eternity.
Dearly beloved, where is your faith now? How come Christ has gone so far from your eye? Did you not hear him preach? Is he then not the All satisfying Saviour? Don't your know where your strength has gone? Remember the word that I have preached to you from Jesu 95:29.22? (sic) Why do you roam around with your thoughts? Set yourself up on your foundation, get closer to him, for he will give you ( ) and his ( ) is priceless. Have you forgotten where I ( ) solace. Don't you know that he was always near ( ).
[page 2]
Be in everything prepared to receive from him what belongs to this life and to piety. Has he turned out to be dry desert to any believer? No, he is an open fountain. Turn to him. He is calling you. Have courage. He will give you life's water so he ( ) in ( ) on the road; protect you ( ) of him ( ). It is only a test and for a moment. Look, he is standing behind the ( ) shining bars. His voice comes to you ( ) why do you cry? And what are you afraid of? I am with you ( ). Alone ( ) And then ( ) complain you ( ) be ( ) his friendly touching and visit not well responded ( ). Sit down ( ) but let your eye rest on him ( ). He casts his eye on your well being. Tell him about your needs but trust him with it. He will help you. He can and will make completely blessed those who go through him to God. You fear that hard times will follow for our country and the church. Surly, that may well come ( ) in his anger at those people ( )
[page 3]
careless about death ( ) But don't be as afraid of the plagues as of the sinning; cleanse yourself from anger, control your temptations ( ) seek peace ( ) blood, and by his ( ) and bliss.
[Translator's note: the third page is much less clear than the first two.] "( ) will take care of you and your children ( ). ( ) if it will go wrong with this country than I hope that only the pious will be alert and more secure than ever before ( ) and this I shall ( ) my friends ( ) fears ( ) the truth ( ) calls that he will give gradually ( ) strong ( ) and have the faith and it will make you strong and have the good ( ) reinforce ( ). I shall always remain your ( ). the 22 of February 1680.
p.s. [in between pages 2 and 3] Give my best regards to your husband and to (Arnout?) and tell her that I shall write a letter to Sluys, or I will write to her. I do not have enough time now." (Signature torn off).
1. (HP-2) Johanna Havens was a far-sighted person and made some very serious plans prior to her departure to the New World. She took midwife training. The first document (HP-3) is in effect her training certificate and the second is her license:
(Comment by the translator, Peter Kranveld: The handwriting for the following document is unclear and contains spelling errors. The signature seems childish. The document seems to have been written by someone who apparently was not used to writing a lot.)
"On the 25th of June 1684: Having been requested by Johanna Havens, house wife of Johannes Holsaert to have her taught by Johanna Bovy, sworn city midwife within Sluis in Flanders, the occupation of a midwife, which occupation she would like to (exercise?) and which she would not want to start without having her knowledge and ability of the aforesaid occupation measured. So is it that I, city midwife have instructed her ?? orally about everything and she has also in my presence exercised the aforesaid occupation with her own hands. So is it that I have judged her able with God's blessing to exercise the aforesaid occupation and I have found it necessary to give her a decent attest. Johanna Bovy"
2. (HP-3) (Comment by the translator: The handwriting for the following document is very clear and contains no spelling errors. The signature is professional. The decoration is apparently to prevent additions. The document seems to have been written by someone who was used to writing documents like these. It must have been a more valuable document than the one above.)
"I, the undersigned declare and attest with this (document) that Anna Havens, housewife of Johannes Holsaert has appeared before me and she has requested me to be questioned and examined by me on
the subject of the occupation of midwife. Which I could in no case refuse to her. But I have questioned the same Anna Havens and searched her (knowledge) on everything relevant to that matter and (I
have) judged her able after examination. So that thus (I neither) decently could nor wanted to refuse her this attest. So that she can with the aforesaid (attest) exercise this (occupation) without
hinder in the country and in the cities wherever it may be for all (witnesses?) and magistrates. Done at Sluis this 11th September 1684.
Vredenbach Doctor of Medicine"
3. (HP-4) "Mayors and Aldermen of the city of Sluys are making known, certify and declare that Johanna Havens, housewife of Johannes Holsaert who has married with her husband in this city many years ago [has also been translated as "who has been married with her husband and lived in this city for many years"] has behaved herself exemplary and honestly without giving rise to remarks on her acts or behavior as a married woman. Address all those that this document is shown to believe this document completely and to acknowledge the same Johanna Havens for this [i.e., to acknowledge what is said in this document about Johanna Havens.] This document is confirmed in the knowledge of the truth with the counter seal of the city and the signature of the city Registrar the -th November 1684."
Commentary: Why this "passport" was issued in November 1684 and her husband's in April of 1685 is not clear.
1. (HP-5) This is a letter of transferal from Johannes' church in Sluys, and reads as follows:
"This is to testify that Johannes Holsaert and his wife Johanna Havens are members of the Christian (faith ?) were sent to this congregation (in order to teach ?). He was (so well versed that ?) he Joh. Holsaert was (able ?) to work (for the church ?), read to the congregation and lead the singing in surrounding churches and congregations and especially our church with sufficient ableness. That he was also (accepted/ chosen) to have the confidence in these places.
Also, that he was a school master of which (he has shown written proof/his writing can be shown as proof) and he can show this to anyone. His wife has also taught small children the first principles and basics of reading in the catechism (and women/old women) have praised her since a long time. Therefore I request brothers and leaders of the congregation of Jesus Christ in Nieuw Nederland or Nieuw Engeland and all others whether they have religious or temporal or political (official?) functions and whoever is shown this document to (receive?) the afore mentioned persons as such and in particular in their Christian tutelage and society (congregation?) also to accept ?? Done in Sluys in Flanders in our church meeting on 25th April 1685.
in the name of us all
H. Birkins, preacher
here in Sluys"
Commentary: The translator Peter Kranveld made several observations:
"Two things in this document are striking to me: though the handwriting is regular and that of an experienced writer, the spelling leaves much to be desired and some phrases could have been better put. I would not be surprised if the signers' name turned out to be Birkens or Berkens. My guess is that this kind of document was a bit unusual. Probably the good preacher would write mostly for his own purposes: notes on sermons or entries in registers, not testimonials.
The other thing I noted are the texts "in the name of us all" and "Done...in our church meeting." Unless Mr. Birkins had little authority this also points to him being not sure of himself and wanting the involvement of others.
You have another fascinating document here. The documents I have translated lead me to believe that your ancestors came to America not to "start a new life" as the cliche goes, but to continue their old life in other (hopefully better) circumstances."
2. (HP-5) This document is Johannes' "passport" and reads:
"The noble mayors and aldermen of the city of Sluis are making known, certify and declare with the present document that Johannes Holsaert is a native and inhabitant of our city who has always behaved with .... and with honesty just as his housewife and as these same people and their family have the intention to.... to Nieuw Nederland which we have permitted to these same people as we permit it with this document request thus the following from each and everyone to whom this document shall be shown to believe this document completely and to give the same Johannes Holsaert and his housewife all aid and assistance to which our truth to happen. This document is confirmed in the knowledge of the truth with the counter seal of the city and the signature of the city Registrar the 10th April 1685."
3. (HP-6) Two papers, dated 14 April 1685 regarding a loan of 300 Carolus guilder. The first signed by Cornelys van Hovgen, and the second signed by J. Holsaart.
"The undersigned Cornelys van Hovgenens obliges him and promises with this that he will pay to Johannis Holsaert a sum of three hundred Carolus guilders when they will have come together in England to from there (together?) to cross to New Netherland. ( ). Stat Sluys 14 April 1685. Cornelys van Hovgen."
Underneath this is the following,
"I undersign ( ) the above written sum correctly required to have and for itself to pay five percent per year and the capital as soon as is possible ( ) will the interest (?) begin First May 1685. J. Holsaert."
I remember my colonial history correctly, all ships sailing to the colonies had to pass through England. Since it appears that Cornelis van Hovgen was traveling with Johannes and his family they would undoubtedly have to make England their first stop. The term Carolus Guilder very probably relates to the former emperor Charles V, who was Lord of the Netherlands in the early 1500's. In 1521 he introduced a gold piece, gulden, to the value of 20 stuivers. It became a standard unit for tarifing most coins. The debt could then be paid back in any available currency in the New World at the above rate.
4. Both parents baptized a son, Gerardus Holsaert, on 5 September 1685, in the Dutch Reformed Church, Flatlands.
Commentary: This would make their passage to America during the period between 24 April and 5 September 1685.
1. (HP-7) The first of three receipts regarding re-payment of the above loan. It was dated 14 July 1686, and signed by Cornelys van Hovgen. "The undersigned confirms that this preceeding oblighation received to have from Johannes Holsaert the sum of (45?) Carolus guilder of 20 stuvors each, with the interest of the three hundred guilders. Cornelys van Hovgen."
1. 15 May 1687, witness to the baptism at Flatlands, of Christian, child of Christian Jost De Bane and Elizabeth Drabbe. Flatbush church records.
2. Second installment, dated 11 July 1687, for repayment of the travel loan. "Forty Carolus guilders of twenty stuyvers each with the interest of the three hundred guilders." Again signed by Cornelys van Hovgen.
3. 10 August 1687. Flatlands church records show that Johanna Haeffns gave 20 gulden 3 struver, and Johannes gave 10 gulden in alms. Film #888,716 Reformed Dutch Church, Flatlands.
4. In the Documentary History of New York, Vol. 1, pages 659-661, there is a list of all the Dutch of Kings Co., New York who had to take the Oath of Allegiance in the year 1687. The list is by towns and is dated 26-30 September 1687. Johannes was not found on the list.
Commentary: Taking the above two paragraphs at face value we could assume that Johannes died between 10 August and 26 September 1687.
1. Third and final payment of the travel loan, dated 26 December 1688. We had difficulty in translating this document, but apparently is was for one hundred guilders and had the words "paid in full" and referred to the widow of Johannes Holsaert as having paid off the loan.
1. Marriage agreement dated 18 February 1690/1.
"To all Christian people to whome this present writting shall come: Know yee that i Dirck Stoffelson living att Ammesfortt in kings County upon Long Island in ye province of New York weduwaer of Catharina van Lewen deceased, being now remaried with Johanna Havens, widdow of Johannis Holsard deceased my present wyf; Therefore know yee thatt i dirck stoffelsen above sd being in perfect memorie make hereby my present loving wyf Johanna haavens in my last will and testament my sole joynty heir and Executrix of all my whole Estate both moeveable and unmoeveable onely Excepted my Eldest son stoffell direcksen shall enjoye a Lumm for weavings so as ye Lummm comes from ye workman; in the time of a yeare from ye date hereof above his tother brother and sister butt all my whole Estate as above sd is Left unto my Loving wfy Johanna haavens; she to bee my ioynty heir & Executrix duering her Lifetime; without any molestation or disturbance by my Children, or by theire procurement, att any time or times whatsoever hereafter; remarrien or nott remarrien, my loving wife above sd shall remaine my ioynty heire & Executrix.
And Therefore I johanna havens widdow of Johannes holsard deceased, Living in ye same Towne Countie & province above specefied, being now remarried with dirk stoffelsen my present husband I johanna above sd being in perfect memorie, doe hereby as my last will and Testament, make my present Loving husband my sole & ioynty heir & Executour of all my whole Estate moveable and unmoveable none Excepted and if God should be pleased to give us Children together in our mariage, them children then with the rest of our fore children; are to have Equall portion together after our decease, butt ye surviving of us Either male or female is to possess both whole Estates of both sides without molestation or disturbance of both parties their children or any Else of theire procurement att any Time or Times whattsoever hereafter; this is our will so to doe being in perfect memorie, And in Confirmation both parties have hereunto sett our hands this 18 of february 1690/1. Dirck Stoffels Johanna havens. subsribed & Acknowleged in the presence of us: Carsten Jansen Barent ijuriansen John Emans Clerk."
1. 17 April 1691, Direk Stoffelsen (Longstreet) paid to Jan Bronwers for expenses of Tomes Holshert an old member - 2 gulders.
2. 5 October 1691, Dirck Stoffelsen paid 60 guilders as alms for Tomas.
4. 25 December 1691, Dirck Stoffelsen paid for rum and beer at the funeral of Tomas Holsart - 25 gulders.
1. 27 March 1692 received of Dirck Stoffelsen for a grave of Tomas Holsaert - 25 gulders.
1. Old First Dutch Reformed Church of Brooklyn, New York, First Book of Records 1660-1752. April 1696, Johanna and Dirk witnessed the baptism of Dirk, son of Stoffel Langestraat and Maijke
1. In a deed dated 20 September 1698, Anthony Wanshaer of Flatlands mentions the following "surviving children" of Johannes Holsaert. Johannes (apparently of age); Anthony (not of age); Margarita
(called by her husband's patronymic "cretie Williamse");and Benjamin. It is presumed that Gerrit, the child baptized in 1685, had died young, as he was not mentioned. Possibly died before1690, as his
mother in her marriage agreement with Derik Stoffel Langestraat, mentions only four "fore" children.
1. (HP-9) Two receipts (?). The first dated New York, May 11, 1704 for 33 gulden (loaned ?) to Johanna "Avens"; the second was dated 2 January 1709/10. Neither have yet been translated, and their
purpose is not understood.
1. See the 1704 paragraph above relating to a "loan?"
1. (See comments in the last half of 1672 paragraph 1). A letter to Johanna, dated 15 March 1719, from her son Benjamin, writing from Freehold, Monmouth Co., New Jersey, announcing the birth of his
son Anthony. Original letter is between pages 39 and 41 of the Deacon's Accounts, Flatlands Reformed Church. It commences "Honored Mother." It has not yet been translated.
1. (HP-10) In English dated the first of (July ?) 1732, and signed by Margarita Westervelt's mark, in which she gives an inventory of her mother's personal goods, stating,
"The above said goods is all my mother Johanna Langestraat left at her decease so far as I know."
I. Johannes Holsaert (D02/001/001), born Holland (?) about 1658. Date of death unknown. Married 11 October 1686, to Debby Blake. This date is from Bergen's book, "Early Settlers of Kings County."
Four children are PRESUMED by this marriage:
1. Living in Jamaica, Queens Co., New York, as proved by deeds of the same year, recorded in the Town records of Jamaica. Purchased land from William Creed. Johanas Holshart of Flatlands in Kings
2. Presumed to be the one who witnessed an agreement in New York City on 16 April 1697, before the clerk of New Utrecht, Joost de Baene, by Dirckje Roelofsen, widow of Willem Lubberts of New Utrecht, Kings Co. In this agreement she lists the items left to her by the death of her husband. The two witnesses were Pieter Mattyssen and Johannes Holsardt.
1. Mentioned in the 20 September 1698, deed of Anthony Wanshaer, as a son of Johannes Holsaert. Johannes "Jr." was "late of Kings Co."
1. Land in Jamaica sold to Ram Dorlant on the "28 of January in ye 12 yeare of His Majests reigne & in ye yeare of our Lord Christ 1700 or 701." This was a portion of the land he bought from
William Creed.
2. On the 16th of December 1701, Johannes sold the rest of the Creed land to Ram Dorlant.
1. 31 Dec 1704 Johannes paid 12 gulden for a grave and pall for a son (name not shown.) New Utrecht church records.
II. Anthony Holsaert (D02/002/001) born Sluys, Holland (?) about 1678. Died 1723/4, probably in Kings Co., New York. Married Rachel (last name unknown)
Only one PRESUMED child has been identified:
1. Mentioned in the 20 September 1698 deed of Anthony Wanshaer, as a son of Johannes Holsaert. Not of age.
1. Lived at Flatlands until 1704 when, on 12 November, he bought from Abraham van Westervelt (his brother in law) a farm in New Utrecht.
1. Purchased a house and village plot in New Utrecht, 10 March 1705/6, from Cornelis Janse Van Cleef.
2. His only known/presumed child, John, born about 1705.
1. On 27 August 1710, he was paid by the Dutch Church of New Utrecht, 108 gulden for his services.
1. With brother Benjamin he was a member, in 1715, of Company III of Kings County Militia. (Documentary History of New York)
2. Took the Oath of Allegiance in 1715.
1. Presumed to be the one who, in 1720, speculated in land, buying 400 acres at Readington, New Jersey (Trenton Deeds). Next to him William Barcalow bought 300 acres. (Book 2, page 306.)
1. Listed as a shoemaker of New Utrecht. A copy exists of a letter dated 11 July 1723, from John Griggs to him, living at Goowanus, Kings Co., requesting six pairs of shoes.
1. Wife Rachel granted administration of his estate at Brooklyn, on 9 January 1723/4. Wills, New York City, Liber 9, page 428.
III Margarita (Cretie) Holsaert. (D02/003/001) born Sluys, Holland (?) about 1674. Died after 1738, probably in Flatlands, New York City. Married Abraham Williamse van Westervelt.
This couple had no known issue.
1. Abraham Willemsen took the Oath of Allegiance 26-30 September 1687 Flatlands. Listed as being 25 years in America.
1. Married 31 March 1694, to Abraham Williamse van Westervelt. "With the consent of her mother." This would Margarita under twenty-one at the time.
1. 22 April 1697.
"To wife Margarita Williamse all estate for life. In case my wife shall have issue, then all estate to such child or children. Mother Dericke Williamse to be maintained out of income of estate during her life."
Witnesses: Henry ffilkin, Agyas Vandycke & and Katherine ffilkin. Recorded 23 April 1697, Liber 2 of Conveyances, page 297.
2. Will of Dericke Williamse Van Westravelt of Town of New Utrecht, Kings Co., widow of William Van Westravelt, late of Kings Co., deceased. Dated 1 September 1697. Gives to son Abram Williamse Van Westravelt all lands & etc., either within or without the province of New York. Executor; son Abraham Williamse Van Westravelt. Witnesses: Henry ffilkin, justice; Cornelius Van Houwegen, Johannes Schenck, Catharine ffilkin. Recorded 22 August 1704, in Liber 3 of Conveyances, page 10.
1. In the Anthony Wanshaer deed of 20 September 1698, listing Johannes' children, Margarita is called by her husband's patronymic "Cretie Williamse."
2. Abraham Westervelt is listed in the 1698 census of New Utrecht.
1. On 12 November 1705, Abram van Westerveldt sold a farm in New Utrecht to Anthony Holsaert (D02/002/001) of Flatlands. Probably the same farm Adrahm inherited in his mother's will (Westerveldt
1. Abraham van Westervelt is granted a tavern license in 1711.
1. An indenture, dated 17 January 1729/30, between Abraham Willemse van Westervelt, and Margarita his wife, deeding all their property to Auken Voorhee, Jacobus Ammerman, and John Monfoort, Deacons
of Flatlands Church. (This is the document in which they are given support by the Deacons for the rest of their lives in return for their property. It is because of this indenture that the letters
relating to their parents were preserved).
1. (HP-10) In English and dated the first day of (July ?) 1732, signed by Margarita Westervelt's mark, in which she gives an inventory of her mother's personal goods, stating,
"The above said goods is all my mother Johanna Langestraat left at her decease so far as I know."
1. Both still living per the 1738 census of Flatlands. Three persons listed in the household. The third is unknown.
IV. Benjamin Holsaert (D02/004/001) Born Sluys, Holland (?) about 1682. Died 1732/33, Marlborough. Monmouth Co., New Jersey. Married Johanna/Annatji/Hanneke Luyster.
Benjamin is presumed to have had ten children of which only five are "proven".
Commentary on Benjamin's wife: Tys Pietersen Luyster, eldest son of Pieter Cornelisz, came while an infant to America with his parents in 1656. This is determined by the statement that he had been in this country 31 years when he took the Oath of Allegiance in 1687. He married Cornelia Kip, baptized June 12, 1661, daughter of Hendrickus and Anna de Sille Kip. These were the parents of Johanna/Hanneke Luyster
1. 20 September 1698. Mentioned in the Anthony Wanshaer deed along with his other brothers and sister.
1. With brother Anthony listed as a member of Company III of Kings Co., Militia.
1. Both Benjamin, and his wife Hanneke, joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Freehold, Monmouth Co., New Jersey, in 1717, by certificate.
2. On his arrival in Monmouth Co., New Jersey in 1717, he bought land of Thomas Hankinson. In deeds he is described as a cordwainer by trade, and as coming from New Utrecht, Kings Co., Long Island, New York. (See Gen. and Memorial History of New Jersey, 1910, Vol. 3, page 1211. The Huguenot Society of New Jersey, Registry of Ancestors, 1956, pages 20 and 42.
3. Around the same time that Benjamin moved to New Jersey, his step-brother Dirck (Dutch name for Richard) Stoffels Laengstraet settled at Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., New Jersey.
1. Book E of Deeds (page 340-342), Monmouth Co. Clerk's Office. A rather complex deed in which Marte Salem and Cornelius Salem bought land of Thomas Hankeson, each owning an undivided half. Benjamin Holsaert bought the undivided half owned by Cornelius Salem, and then by agreement, he and Marte Salem, each made a division of the tract of 230 acres, Benjamin receiving the South half, with half the orchards, the old house, half the stables, etc. (From research by Stanley Ross.) Benjamin listed as cordwainer. Deed dated June 1718.
1. Translated from Dutch from Flatlands church records. A letter dated 15 March 1719, to his "Honored Mother", from Freehold, Monmouth Co., New Jersey, announcing the birth of his son Antoni to his wife Annatji. Anthony was baptized in the Freehold Dutch Reformed Church the same year. The original letter is between pages 39 and 41 of the Deacon's Accounts, Flatlands Reformed Church.
1. IGI records. Aelke Holsaert, daughter of Benjamin Holsaert is christened in 1720, in the Freehold and Middletown Dutch Reformed Church. Witnesses Hendricus Kip and his wife.
1. IGI records indicate a child (name not given) baptized by father Benjamin Holsart, 2 August 1724, in Freehold Church. Presumed to be Cornelia.
1. Listed with his wife as communicants of the Reformed Church of the Navesink (Brick Church) at Marlborough, Monmouth Co., New Jersey, 23 August 1731.
2. IGI Records. Gerrit Holzaert, with parents Benjamin Holzaert and Johanna Luyster, christened 8 August 1731, Freehold and Middletown Dutch Reformed Church. Baptized by Domine Du Bois.
1. His will names his wife Hanneke, his oldest son Johannes, and divides his estate between his "other children" (not given by name.) Wife, son John, and friend Garret Schanck executors. Witnesses: Johannes Heyer, John Johnson, Wal. Wally. (Liber B, page 457) Left son John his loom and utensils. Will dated 18 October 1732, at Trenton, New Jersey.
2. If one accepts the date of the birth of Gerrit as being in 1831, then it would presume that both Benjamin and Johanna died young, as the latter seemed to be bearing children up until her death.
1. From Deeds, Book H. page 175, Monmouth Co., New Jersey (per Stanley Ross): "Hannah Holsarte, John Holsart to Thomas Warne, entered ye 26th March 1737. This indenture made this tenth day of July in the Seventh Year of Ye Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, etc., A.D. 1733 Between Hannah Holsart and John Holsart, Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Benjamin Holsart, Deceased, of the one Part and Thomas Warne of Amboy in the County of Middlesex and Province of East Jersey, Yeoman, of the other Part....for £275" Conveys a tract in Freehold containing 100 acres. Signed Hannah Hulsart and John Holsart. Witnesses were Benjamin Emans and Daniel Emans.
V. D02/005/001 Gerardus Holsaert, baptized on 5 September 1685, in the Dutch Reformed Church, Flatlands, shortly after his parents arrived in this country. Gerardus/Gerritt is presumed to have died before 1698, as the deed of 20 September 1698, from Anthony Wanshaer of Flatlands, does not mention him by name.
There are three other individuals in New York City with the presumed surname Holsaert, that are mentioned here for purposes of identification.
I. Tomes Holsaert. "An old member of the church" who died in New York. His association is made only because he was cared for by Johanna's second husband Derik Langestraat. Thorman Hulse believes Tomes to possibly have been an uncle. For a record of these payments refer to the year 1691 under Johannes Holsaert.
II. Gerrit Holsaert. His relationship to Johannes is assumed only because of the similarity in last names, and the fact that Johannes and Johanna named their last child Gerrit. No documentation shows any connection to any member of the latter's family. For the moment he is presumed to be a possible cousin. 10 December 1681 Dutch Reformed Church, Flatlands. Gerrit married Susanna Thomas from New York. Bans for the marriage were published 30 November 1681. Gerrit said to be from Vlissingen. As the date of this marriage pre-dates the arrival of Johannes it is apparent that Gerrit (and Tomes) immigrated before Johannes.
There are five children recorded for Gerrit, but only the second Maijken is known to have survived:
III. David Hoesaert. Stanley Ross uncovered the following from a 1703 census of the City of New York, published in the "Documentary History of New York," on page 395 to 405. Under New York City, North Ward, the name David Hoesaert is listed as being between the ages of 16-60, with one female, two male children (under 16), and one female child. The census must have been for the purpose of determining who was available for militia service. We have no proof of any connection, and no information as to whether or not any of his children survived.
The purpose of this work is to assemble under one cover what we know, or what we assume we know, about the Flemish immigrant Johannes Holsaert, and his immediate family.
This is a draft, and under no circumstances is to be accepted as a finished work. Every effort should be made by those reading these pages to correct, and/or add to their contents.
All comments should be directed to:
Howard Graham - kingwowie@aol.com